
Translation by Patrick Moseley [Flores Simbrón]: No, no, I know that’s

Translation by Patrick Moseley [Daniel Alarcón, host]: A warning

[Daniel Alarcón, host]: Welcome to Radio Ambulante, from NPR. I’m

Translation by Patrick Moseley [Anabel Hernández]: For a long time, for

Translation by Patrick Moseley [Daniel Alarcón, host]: Before we begin, we

Translated by: Patrick Moseley  [Joshua Johnson, host of 1A ]: Hi

  Translated by: Patrick Moseley [Daniel Alarcón, host]: Many of you have

Translation by Patrick Moseley [Daniel Alarcón, host]: Many of you have

[Daniel Alarcón, host]: Many of you have asked us how

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► Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want

► Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want

► Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want

► Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want

► Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want

► Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want