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[Marina]: Well, first of all, I’d like to ask you to introduce yourself…
[Lisette]: Introduce yourself…
[David]: Please, tell me your name, how old are you, where you live…
[Gonzalo]: I’m Argentinian, from Buenos Aires…
[Mario]: Well, I’m an archaeologist, Mario…
[Gerardo]: I am Gerardo Chávez…
[Ezequiel]: My name is Ezequiel Abraham Salomón…
[Zamira]: Zamira Díaz Sifuentes
[Daniel]: We’re back.
[All]: This is Radio Ambulante from NPR.
[Daniel]: A story can be found everywhere… In a laugh, for example… In a subtle sound amid a conversation… Or in a silence after some harsh words… In our new season, stories sound like many things.
[Ambient Karla]: Let’s see, now I have to fit all this into the suitcase.
[Karla]: People tell me: “You’re going to Cuba, oh, how nice!”. And I say: “Well, it’s not ‘how nice, I’m going to the beach’. I’m going to help people solve problems.”
[María]: The moment when the curtain opens, and you find yourself in front of immensity. It’s like being, I don’t know, facing endless space.
(Soprano singing)
[María]: It makes you feel like you’re outside the Earth, witnessing the vastness of the universe.
[Cecilia]: When I’m dancing, I forget everything. I can’t even look anywhere. It’s one of my greatest joys.
[Daniel]: A new season with stories about what brings us together…
[Paula]: The fact that he comes to give me a kiss every night before going to bed, that he allows a hug…
[Zamira]: Well, I brought out his humanity. I struck a chord with him, I don’t know, and he did the same with me.
[Daniel]: About what surrounds us…
[Ettel]: I’m aware that there is a lot of beauty. Many beautiful things that still make it worth being here.
[Mario]: You can feel the beauty of human features: a cheek, an eye, an ear, a neck, an ornament, a headdress, scales, fangs…
[Daniel]: About the different ways we experience beginnings…
[Andrea]: It’s as if they tell you: “Only red roses exist.” And you discover that there are also yellow roses, there are white roses. And then you realize that they lied to you.
[Gonzalo]: How much longer will I have to put off living the way I want, and holding back what I no longer wish to restrain?
[Daniel]: And… also… how we face endings…
[Juan]: I am the director of the library, but what library? One that only exists in my mind, in my heart.
[Yolanda]: What is it about death? Why don’t we talk about life, about the things we’ve done, the moments we’ve shared…?
[Marisa]: Because it helps me.
[Daniel]: Radio Ambulante. Season 13. Starting this September 19th… We’re very excited to share everything we’ve prepared for you. Get ready for episodes delving into the extraordinary and intimate aspects of Latin America. Stories that will both surprise and touch your heart. And more.
Listen to us on your favorite podcast app, and remember that with your help, we share the incredible stories from Latin America. More information at radioambulante.org/apoya.