El péndulo: The Latino Vote in Pennsylvania [Central]
In 2024, winning Pennsylvania appears to be a key indicator of presidential victory. The presidential election could be decided by this state, which in recent years has resisted being pigeonholed into either of the two major parties. Pennsylvania can no longer be simply labeled as either Democratic or Republican. This state is also home to millions of Latinos who have reshaped its economy, culture, and politics. What could the presence of so many new Latino voters mean for this electoral race? To answer that question, we visited Hazleton, a city in the ‘Latino Belt’ with a uniquely complex history.
This is the first episode of “El péndulo,” Central’s new series, co-produced by Radio Ambulante Studios and Telemundo News. It’s a look at the Latino vote in the upcoming U.S. elections. Along with journalist Julio Vaqueiro, we explore the lives and expectations of Latinos in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Florida, Arizona and North Carolina, five of the swing states that could define the elections. Can Latino participation decide the future of Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?
“El péndulo” is funded by the Jonathan Logan Family Foundation, an organization that supports initiatives that transform the world.
Find the English translation of “El péndulo: The Latin Vote in Pennsylvania [Central]” here. Or check out the Spanish transcript here.
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