The Correspondent
For two years Alberto Arce was the only international correspondent based in Honduras. He says that’s where he became a journalist. Alberto tells us his story from Mexico City, where he is currently based.
You can read more about Alberto’s experiences as a journalist in Honduras in his book Novato en nota roja, published by Libros del K.O. And here you can read his article about the disappearance of Kevin Saíd Carranza Padilla, known as “Teiker” –the story he refers to in this episode. In his personal blog you can find more links to his reporting from Honduras.
Read the transcript in Spanish here.
Read the English translation here.
Click here to watch a video with the audio and Spanish subtitles. / Haz click aquí para ver un video del audio con subtítulos en español.
Read the English subtitles for this story in the following video:
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