A cacique, a journalist and a way to save the Amazon [Extra Episode]
A journey into the green heart of the planet.
British journalist Dom Phillips had planned a trip to the Yawanawá indigenous community to seek answers to the Amazon crisis. But he never arrived. In June 2022 he was murdered along with indigenist Bruno Pereira. Phillips was documenting stories of resistance and hope in the Brazilian Amazon in the face of Jair Bolsonaro’s extractivist policies. He was to interview cacique Biraci Nixiwaka, known as Bira, a historic figure in the indigenous movement. With Brazilian journalist Felipe Milanez, the editor of El hilo Eliezer Budasoff, traveled to the Amazon to tell the story of the Yawanawá and to do the interview that Phillips could not.
Find the English translation of “A cacique, a journalist and a way to save the Amazon” here. Or check out the Spanish transcript here.
This episode was produced with the support of the Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund in collaboration with the Pulitzer Center, and was originally published in El hilo, a podcast produced by Radio Ambulante Studios, which contextualizes the most relevant news events in Latin America every Friday.
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