
Dennis tells his mom everything. EVERYTHING. When Dennis Maxwell moved to

Four words that would change a country forever. On August 8,

Carla tried to repair what seemed irreparable. Carla hadn't spoken to

The greatest Brazilian soccer player who never played. This is the

Misinformation threatens the advance of massive vaccination in Latin America.

In the last 50 years, the Andes have lost half

One gene and the search for answers. In the mid-80s, doctor

There are two kinds of people in the world: those

Aemilia is ready to learn the secrets of her brain. Her

The midwives' gift would lead them to confront an entire

A disease, a stigma, a man and only one place

One journal. Two sisters. Thousands of kilometers between them.  After their

Joanna spent a terrifying night in one of Miami’s most

To stay near her children, Juana was willing to give

Two urban tribes. A public square. Only one winner.  In 2008

How Edith found herself again… through a screen.  When tragedy struck